Monday, December 22, 2014

你好家庭!圣诞快乐![Hello family! Merry Christmas!]

Well heck, FELICITACIONES to the most beautiful couple in el mundo!! Sounds to me like it was the funnest wedding anyone has ever been to haha. Are they honeymooning? Will I get to speak with them on Christmas? Also, looks like we are skyping cause I'm calling outside the US. If yall don't get back to me on a time I'mma have to guess and say 12:00 here.. Plan on that unless I hear from Pops in the next bit. 
Wew, so Belleview continues to be incredible! I'm in love with this oldieville. AAANNND I got a new companion!!! Sister Taylor is from Bountiful, is a BYU coug (we went there at the same time), served in texas for 6 weeks waiting on her visa to Australia speaking Mandarine. She made it to Australia and had visa complications so now she's here! She's been here for about 5 months. We're havin so much fun! We've seen so many miracles this week and have so many solid people to work with! it's almost like "we don't have room enough to receive (these blessings)" haha. So last week I failed to mention Amber. Amber had an incredible week 2 weeks ago and was really starting to progress. We had a cool lesson on the law of chastity and the word of wisdom and actually... The member we set fell through 2 hours before so we were frantically calling members. We got sister Winston to come and she shared her experience with the word of wisdom and it was SO perfect for Amber's situation! Man, The Lord must have a lot of fun organizing tender mercies like that! It was cool. She posted on FB a picture of coffee stating to everyone that it would be her last and tagged us! She lasted a couple of days before the headaches got to her... But this week she and boyfriend aren't doing so great and she's busy busy busy with school and getting overwhelmed with everything. So we actually haven't been able to meet with her in a week. Jamie Ray.. I think I told yall bout him last week.. He called during weekly planning the day before Denise's baptism and said he was looking for sister Thomson. He said he needed to come to church. We invited him to the baptism and he came and loved it. We tried to give him a chapel tour after and it kept getting interrupted and such so it didn't actually work. BUT he came to church for the first 2 hours. We met with him on Monday night and we asked what he would need to do to find out for himself that this is the truth and he said while pushing his finger to the table in sync with his words: "I HAVE to go to church".hahaha AMEN! Then we were teaching about the book of Mormon and he said, "I got one question for yall... why didn'tcha come earlier?! This is good stuff!". To give you an idea of his accent and personality.. Y'know the new missionary on The Best Two Years? The goofy one with a drawl and coke bottle glasses? Straight up Jamie Ray! His accent is such that we're actually not sure if he's sayin Jamie Ray or Jimmy Ray haha. He's always talkin about "the man upstairs". He's sure been through a lot of health issues! He's got a baptismal date for Jan. 17th!! wooohooo! Yesterday he came to church and after sacrament wanted to talk to the bishop. He asked bishop if he could take a hymnal for a week. He used to be a big singer and such and plays the drums and guitar and keyboard. I hope you've got a good idea of this fellow cause he's seriously adorable and makes us laugh pretty hard.
We received the most GOLDEN media referral this week! Her name is Elizabeth. She lived in California and has a really rough past there, but some members reached out to her last Christmas and invited her to the church for the Christmas program. She says she's never felt so much love and the spirit was so powerful! she's elated about taking lessons and being baptized! She received the first 3 lessons in Cali and had a member family take her in as their own. I guess her family has kinda pushed her away so she loves the church family. She can talk your ear off but she's the sweetest thing! She called us the other day to ask if the lady she cares for can join in on the lessons and we can start over! We're working on setting a date with her. She's set on being baptized and can be ready soon, but she wants that family to be there. She called them and they said they will come whenever she's ready. She's praying about it too. She came to church yesterday but could only stay the first hour cause her lil lady she takes care of is really sick and getting surgery this week. 
We have tons of members helping us out all the time and this week we have potentially 3 families having our gators over for Christmas! Pray we won't have to eat 3 times...... 
We got another referral who wanted a Bible. We stopped by and he wasn't expecting missionaries to come with the book but after a bit of explaining the book of Mormon and stuff he wants us to come back in a week! his name is Mace.
We met a man Saturday night coming home from a lesson, he was out smoking and we were driving by and rolled down the window. Invited him to the Christmas program and he didn't show up so we texted him to see if we could come by. His name is Kevin and he's visiting from Virginia. We had an amazing lesson last night with a return missionary (this week from Texas- she's amazing). Anyway, the spirit was super strong and we'll see him tomorrow before he goes back. 
Denise is doing wonderfully :) She studies so so much! And asks really good questions and everything. I'm just obsessed with her!
I loves yall and I'll see you Thursday eh?!

XOXO, Hermanita Jackson

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